The forecast changed and the trip rescheduled for Wednesday - a 07:30am start. We awoke early, fingers crossed for calm weather and the heavens were certainly shining for us. We boarded 'Dunbar', pushed off the quay, right on time and it was all hands on deck to get equipment set up, GPS turned on and the first two 'spotters' in position up high on the roof.

We travelled out west then headed south along the Ceredigion coast admiring large flocks of gannets (Morus bassanus) plummeting into bait balls. After two hours we finally had our first spot - four adult bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncates) feeding. We followed the dolphins, recording their activities, admiring their dexerity as they dived deep in pursuit of their prey, effortlessly leaping from the water. Once we were sure we had all the information we needed we
moved on leaving the dolphins to enjoy their mid-morning meal.

Heading north now, chasing time and tide we spotted another group of dolphns. This time three adults with a calf, once again we spent time following and recording their behaviour. This encounter was quickly followed by two harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena).

Our third encounter was a group of eight bottlenose dolphins, again with a calf and a juvenile. They were enjoying the sunshine, displaying social interactions with each other, breaching, leaping, and took an oportune moment to speedily bow-ride a large ship that was passing through the bay. Once bored with the large ship the group returned to spend time bow-riding alongside our boat.

We continued on our return leg back to New Quay harbour leaving a grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) in our wake, and were rewarded with a magnificent group of five adult bottlenose dolphins swimming and solialising.

Stretched for time we pushed on passed Bird's Rock and spotted yet another group of dolphins, but with time and tide really against us we headed on into the harbour leaving the pod to their games. With the tide too low for 'Dunbar' to dock alongside the quay, it was a climb into the tender and our gentleman skipper Graham rowed us safely ashore.

Sea Watch Foundation Team
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